Welcome to the 41 Club Nerja
Our International 41 Club welcomes Ex Round Tablers
from around the world. Some members are resident in
Spain, others are able only to make a few meetings, and
we have members from 9 different countries. So it is an
International Drop-In club, and all are welcome.
We meet twice per month. The first Thursday is our
Munch Bunch Lunch and the third Thursday is our normal
evening meeting, sometimes with the ladies, sometimes
the men only when the ladies decide to go out for a meal.
Since the club emerged from Lockdown, we have had a
plethora of activities including sailing trips, city tours and
night cave visits and some of our business meetings have
been by Zoom, to be as inclusive as possible with
members joining from all over the world.
We change with the times. We are evolving to be a really
attractive Club for ex tablers to join and enjoy.
Adopt, Adapt, Improve. Ever more relevant today,
Club Meeting 20 February *** Munch Bunch 6 March
For more information about the
program see “What’s on”.
(Last updated February 11 2025)